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Masterpieces of classical sculpture from the Uffizi Gallery

Ninfa seduta, II secolo d.C., Galleria degli Uffizi, Divina Simulacra, Deferrari Modesti, Exhibition Design
Seated nymph, 2nd century AD, Uffizi Gallery, Florence

The exhibition's curatorial project aims to highlight part of the rich collection of ancient sculpture already in the Galleries by recomposing some of the sculptural groups and making some of the museum's most important works more accessible to the public, including some of the sculptures inside the Tribune.

The design of Exhibition Design was measured against the characteristics of the recently restored Vasarian halls by making the works dialogue with each other and in relation to the space, taking into consideration the large flow of visitors, pathways, cones of view, and security criteria, creating a unique spatial system from time to time.

Therefore, an articulated system of ground bases, bases on rectangular or circular-shaped platforms, and stage wings was developed, designed according to the shared criteria, the spatial characteristics of the rooms, and the dimensional characteristics of the works.

An alphabet consisting of compositional and material elements that fit into the historical context, variously combined according to the needs of each room, but with a common language.

Le Gallerie degli Uffizi

Eike D. Schmidt

A cura di:
Fabrizio Paolucci

Exhibition Design project by:
Lian Pellicanò
Javier Deferrari | Lavinia Modesti

Oliviero Martini
Gianni Bertozzi
Fabio Facchini

Opera Laboratories | Roberto Popovic

Year: 2022/2023
Area: 200 square meters
By concession of the Ministry of Culture
Le Gallerie degli Uffizi

Sarcofago con ratto di Persefone, 170-180 d.C. - Firenze, Galleria degli Uffizi, Divina Simulacra, Deferrari Modesti, Exhibition Design
Sarcophagus with the Rape of Persephone, 170-180 CE. - Florence, Uffizi Gallery, Florence
Testa virile su erma moderna, cd. Sofocle, Prima metà del II secolo d.C., Galleria degli Uffizi, Divina Simulacra, Deferrari Modesti, Exhibition Design
Man's head on modern herm, cd. Sophocles, First half of 2nd century CE, Uffizi Gallery, Florence
Venere dei Medici, Fine II a.C. - inizi del I secolo a.C., Galleria degli Uffizi, Divina Simulacra, Deferrari Modesti, Exhibition Design
Venus of the Medici, late 2nd cent. bc. - Early 1st century b.c.e., Uffizi Gallery, Florence
Statua di Venere, cd. Venere Celeste, Galleria degli Uffizi, Divina Simulacra, Deferrari Modesti, Exhibition Design
Statue of Venus, cd. Venus Celeste, Uffizi Gallery, Florence
Firenze, Galleria degli Uffizi, Divina Simulacra, Deferrari Modesti, Exhibition Design
Firenze, Galleria degli Uffizi, Divina Simulacra, Deferrari Modesti, Exhibition Design
Firenze, Galleria degli Uffizi, Divina Simulacra, Deferrari Modesti, Exhibition Design


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Via Gino Capponi 23, Florence Italy | +39 055.5120335 | p.i.07193460487